Operating Models for Advantage - Standard Unveiled
The launch of OMDDMS (Operating Model Design and Development Management Standard)

Senaryo Services are delighted to be associated with the launch of:

OMDDMS the new global standard for operating model transformation

OMDDMS™ is the Operating Model Design and Development Management Standard

OMDDMS addresses the gap in operating model transformation standards covering design through to delivery

OMDDMS enables organisations to respond and change confidently, drive innovation, strengthen risk management, and operate more efficiently and sustainably

OMDDMS provides an established and repeatable method, guidelines, best practices, principles, and structures

Without the OMDDMS discipline directing operating model transformation, problems can arise, ranging from operational inefficiencies to regulatory risks, making these concerns that all organisations should proactively address

Click here to learn more about the standard.


Five Horizons Book Launch 21st June 2022
Senaryo Services Director Steve Sanders Book launched